First try Diving!
There is always a first time! Do you want to try the world of diving?
We offer the first try of diving in case you still do not know if you like this world or not. You will obtain the basic knowledge that you need to get in the water and dive. Of course, always accompanied by a diving instructor. You will enjoy this activity in a safe environment, you will not regret it!
English, Spanish and Catalan
1.5h - 2h
From Monday to Friday
It includes:
- Equipment rental
- Immersion guide
Moll de Gregal s/n, Panyol 1 Port Olímpic 08005-Barcelona, 08005 Barcelona, Spain
Important information
Once you have made the order, you have to contact with: [email protected] / +34 685 33 77 88 to set up a meeting hour.